Lately (ok, the last 6 months or so), my posts have not been as regular as I would have liked. I get caught up in how long it takes to narrate everything. What I should be doing is writing less and putting more pictures. So I am going to see if my super anal, OCD-type personality can write less and show more.
The last week of school was jam-packed with activities, shows, and whatnot. There was very little teaching going on because the girls were taking finals, but since they had to be at school all day, it made for some interesting activities in the afternoon.
One evening there was an art exposition at the school where the secondary girls displayed some of there art. I was super impressed by the art I saw, especially the art by Giannina Felizzola. She is incredibly creative and talented. One of the pictures is of her standing next to a woman she created.
One morning the school held their Child Mary celebration. At LP, the celebration is always towards the beginning of the school year, so it was strange to celebrate it here at the end of the year. I did like some things they do, though. The girls all brought presents (later given to the poor) and placed them around the altar. At one point, a group of the smallest girls came to the altar holding the hand of some seniors who were carrying candles and they set the candle on the altar. It was so sweet to see how the seniors treated the little ones so gently.
Another day, there were two song festivals - one for primary and one for secondary. I got to attend both and many of the girls have very beautiful singing voices. I enjoyed the voices of the secondary girls more, but I definitely liked the cute factor of the little ones.
One day, a man who specialized in Rumba therapy came and had the girls dancing and working out for almost an hour. I just watched ;).
On the last day of school the primary school put on an all-English Christmas extravanganza. They performed A Christmas Carol, sang Christmas songs in English, and danced. It was extremely well-planned, prepared, and executed.
As I wrote about before, the senior show was Friday morning, but I also took a few pictures of some non-seniors on that day. I also took a picture with Laura Antequera who was so sad that day because she was moving to Medellin after school ended. I, too, was sad, because she is one of my favorites.
And of course, during the evening of the last day of school, the 10th graders threw a party for the 11th graders. Earlier, I posted some pictures of the seniors, but I'd like to include a couple of the 10th graders here.